Blackboard: Class Collaborate Recording 

Launch Class Collaborate

1. Open Google Chrome, ideally, enter your Blackboard course, and click the Class Collaborate tool link in the left navigation. (If you had removed it, you will need to go to Course Tools in the Control panel to get to it.)

2. Click “Create Session” to create a virtual room - and name it based on the recording, lecture name, or content topic you are going to record about. For example, if you'll be recording a session on "Tree Frogs in Namibia" - name the session something like "TreeFrogsNamibia"

3. Open your PowerPoint, PDF or other presentation, or prepare the web sites you will show in your recording.

4. Go back to your web browser to your course in Blackboard and launch the Class Collaborate session: click the name of the session you created

5. Set up your microphone and camera and turn them on. There will be a notice at the top of your screen - click the grey Yes button on the right to set up your microphone and camera.

3. There are 2 main shares to record your slides/images, etc.: 

4. Click Share Application

5. Choose between "Entire Screen" or "Just an Application"

6. Entire screen is probably easier, and necessary if you will be switching between more than one application (Word, PowerPoint, PDF, web browser, SPSS, etc...) But if you will ONLY be showing PowerPoint or web sites in a web browser, you could choose "Just an Application"

7. Choose 1 and then click "Share"

Share Entire Screen

3. You should see a little message at the bottom of your screen that looks like this:

4. You can click "Stop sharing" at any time to stop sharing your screen. OR you will also see the "Stop" icon in the upper right in your Bb Collaborate session window, and you can click that to stop sharing.

5. Make sure when you speak you are seeing the audio indicator on your microphone move, and that it is hitting about 75-85% and not just a tiny bit.

6. Click the 3 line "hamburger" in the upper right and start recording

7. A message will be displayed at the top of the screen when recording is under way. There will also be a “stop recording” icon in the upper right of your screen. 

8. Go back to your PowerPoint, PDF, website or other presentation. If you are using PowerPoint, present as you normally would: start the presentation, speak with each slide and advance the slides. 

9. When finished, go back to Collaborate to the hamburger to stop the recording.

The recording will process and be available in your course Class Collaborate area under "Recordings" within a couple hours. Students will be able to access the recordings, but you can also grab a link to the recording and post it to students in the announcements or an email. To get that link, click the 3 dots to the right of the recording and select "Copy Link" - that link can be viewed by anyone who has the link.  You can email it to students, post it as an announcement, or add a Web link to your Course Materials to the video.

We also recommend you rename the recordings to match what you'd like the recording to be called before recording. To do so, click the 3 dots to the right of the recording and go to "Edit Name"

Alternative Sharing method: Share Files: upload PPT slides, Word, PDF, etc.

This alternative lets you upload slides first to Collaborate, and then write or draw on them while you speak. 

3. Files will convert to slides in Collaborate. This may take some time, depending on how large the file is/how many slides.

4. To share, click once to select a file you have uploaded, and then click "Share Now" in the lower right.

5. Click a slide on the right to select it OR use the white arrows to move between slides, just below the slides. 

6. You can annotate, drawing or typing on top of the slide content, using the tools in the upper right.

7. To stop sharing at any time, click the Stop icon in the upper right: