Video Services


We now have subscriptions to 4 video streaming services. These require authentication via UMID/Duo:

Symtom Media

SymptomMedia: DSM-5, ICD-10: guided study and assessment tools

The first step to viewing ANY SymptomMedia video is always to go to this link:

You will then be prompted to log in with your UMID, password and DUO, if you are not already logged in in your browser.

NOTE: you may need to come back and click this link a 2nd time in order to get in. If you see a login window asking for username and password, simply click the link again or paste the URL into the browser and hit it a second time.

Once you have properly logged in, you will see "Howdy, University of Maryland" in the upper right. You can then view any videos.

Tip: scroll down to see all video titles, or use control-F (command-F on Mac) to find text in your browser window to locate the video you are looking for.

  1. Search to locate the video and click on the video title

  2. Copy the URL from the top of your browser

  3. In Blackboard, create a "web link" content item, and paste the link into the URL field.

  4. Be sure to tell students the same as above: they must start with the gateway link to log in first. Only after they are logged in that way, can they click the link to view the video or find the video via the tip above to play. Collection of videos on therapy, mindfulness, etc. that go beyond those found on Kanopy or other sites.

Always start by going to this link to log in with your UMID:

Search titles using the "search your video library" box in the upper right

Note: once you click to play a particular video, the URL can be posted in your Blackboard course, as long as it looks something like this:

This link includes the "" in it, which will take authenticate people via UMID and then go to the video. Each video has its own unique 3 digit video ID at the very end of the URL.

Please note: resources that were previously found in Kanopy are now only available via Please use the search features to locate your video resources.

Alexander Street

AlexanderStreet: clinical video library: counseling and therapy

  1. Go to to access AlexanderStreet. You may be asked for UMID/Duo login if off campus.

  2. Search to locate the video and click on the video title

  3. Click "Embed/Link" under the video title info

  4. Copy and paste the link provided, which will start with - but copy the whole long URL

  5. In Blackboard, create a "web link" content item, and paste the link into the URL field. Students will then be able to click to authenticate and go directly to the video.


Kanopy: more videos, documentaries, etc.

Tip: use the search box to look for videos

Visit Kanopy here:

When you are on the campus network, you don't need to log in - just go there and you can watch videos that are part of the packages to which we subscribe. It is also possible that if you are logged into some campus resources in your browser, you will also have access Kanopy without logging in. You do NOT need to click on "Log in" in the upper right.

If you go to and do not see a red "Log in to Umaryland" button, such as in the image below, the chances are, your browser has already logged you in from logging into some other campus service. If you don't see that red button, go ahead and search for videos and view them as needed.

Otherwise, when off campus, you need to log in with your UMID/Duo, like you would for off campus library access: Click the red "Log in to UMaryland" button to log in using your UMB campus credentials.)

It is important to note that this is different than the regular login page with google/facebook/name/password. If you see this, you are in the wrong place and will not be able to log in:

What you will be able to log in with should be a standard campus login page (see below), like you see when logging into the library, Blackboard, email, etc. from off campus:

They make it a bit confusing but the way to get this is from off campus only, and by clicking a red button that said "Log in to UMaryland"

Unfortunately, we don't have a direct link to that login screen that I can give you at the moment, because it's a dynamic process that assesses whether you are on the campus network or not.

Getting a Link to Share with Students:

    1. Go to - you may need to authenticate via UMID/Duo.

    2. Search for the video title and click on the title to get to the video view page

    3. Click the "Share" icon

    4. Copy the Share link

    5. In Blackboard, create a web link content item and paste the link into the URL field.

Linking to Video Resources

You can find instructions about how to access resources off-campus here:

If you want to find a link that will work both on- and off-campus to a specific video follow these instructions:

Build Your Own Link

1. Find the permanent URL for the journal, ebook, etc. (ex: Ovid eTOC email links). Note: please make sure you copy a permanent URL, not a session-specific URL.

2. Add the proxy server URL prefix to the front of the permanent URL. The proxy prefix is:

3. Copy and paste the final link into your address bar to test it. You will then be prompted for your UMID and password.

For example, for a link to a video on SymptomMedia on ADHD with the URL of: : you would provide your students with this:

Please be sure students a logged in to the video service per the links above, before they click a link to view a video.