Ultra - Date Management


The Date Management feature in Blackboard Ultra allows instructors to adjust all the due dates, availability dates, and other relevant scheduling information within their course in one central location. This feature is essential for ensuring that all course materials and assessments are appropriately timed throughout the semester. Additionally, Date Management allows for the use of conditional release, enabling instructors to control when students can access certain content based on specific criteria. 

Pedagogy note for OMSW Courses

When utilizing OMSW course templates, we intentionally list due dates and times in multiple locations throughout the course materials. This practice is designed to support students' self-regulation skills, an essential component of successful online learning. To ensure consistency and avoid confusion, please verify that the syllabus, module overview pages, and individual assignments all reflect the same due dates and times before finalizing any changes to the course.

Overview of Date Management

The Date Management feature streamlines the process of updating due dates, start and end dates, and release conditions for content, ensuring that the course timeline is accurate and aligned with the current academic term. This is especially useful when reusing course materials from previous semesters.

Note: Date Management is called Batch Edit in Blackboard Ultra but because the term is unfamiliar to most, for the purpose of this knowledgebase page, we will use the term Date Management. 

Watch a video on the Batch Edit (Date Management) Process

Accessing Date Management

Adjusting Due Dates

3. Under Edit Type, select the type of change you would like to make. 

4. Depending on your choice, the remaining fields may be required to be filled out. 

5. When complete, click the Edit Dates button to update all of the dates for assignments you previously selected.

Edit visibility

You can use Batch Edit to make items hidden or visible to students. Select Edit visibility. Choose to make items hidden or visible to students. Previous visibility settings for the items are overwritten. Date and time release conditions are removed for all selected items.

Best Practices for Date Management

Conditional Release

Conditional release allows instructors to set criteria that students must meet before they can access certain content. This can be based on factors like date, score on a previous assignment, or completion of other course material.

You will have several different options available to you for which you can set release conditions. 

Release content by course members or groups

Under Select members, choose which course members or groups have access to the course content. With this option, you can create remedial paths for certain students and provide different content to undergraduate and postgraduate students in a course.

Release content by date

Select Date/Time to define the period in which students can access content. 

Example: Content is covered in a specific order. You want students to access content only after you've discussed it in class. You don't want students to work ahead.

Example: Release your final test during your institution's scheduled final tests week.

Release content based on performance

Select Performance to release an item or folder when a student achieves a certain score on an item or gradebook column in your course.  To define the threshold, choose the graded item and grade requirement. 

Example: Students must complete coursework in a specific order and after they've demonstrated understanding. You want students to progress to the next item only after they score a B or above.

Example: Students must score 70 points or higher on a quiz to access the Chapter 1 Test.

To set additional performance criteria, such as a second threshold the student must meet, select Add additional performance criteria

Visibility settings

If you choose more than one condition for your content, students must satisfy all conditions before the content is available.

When you set date/time or performance release conditions, under When will content appear?, you can also choose whether you want content to be visible to course members before or after they meet the requirements for access. 

Show. Students can view the date and time the content will be released, the conditions they need to meet, and when they can no longer access it. Items appear on the course calendar and the Grades page, but not in student activity streams. After access ends, content is still visible, but students can't access it.

Hide. Content is only visible to students when they're able to access it. Students don't see the dates and times when they can no longer access the content. After access ends, the content is hidden from their view.