Ultra - Gradebook


The Gradebook in Blackboard Ultra is a powerful tool that allows instructors to manage and communicate grades effectively. This guide will walk you through the essential tasks of posting grades, switching between auto posting and manual posting, and managing gradebook columns.

Posting Grades

Posting grades in Blackboard Ultra is necessary to make students’ grades visible to them.  Without posting grades, students will not know their progress in the course. Grade posting should happen frequently so that students can measure their progress and adjust their learn accordingly.

Switching Between Auto Posting and Manual Posting

Depending on your grading strategy, you may want to switch between auto posting and manual posting of grades. Rubrics, in particular, require manual posting.

Managing Gradebook Columns

Managing gradebook columns in Blackboard Ultra is essential for instructors who want to organize, edit, and maintain accurate records of student performance. Proper management of gradebook columns ensures that grading is efficient and aligned with course objectives. 

Adding a New Gradebook Column

1. In the gradebook, click on the Create button located at the top right of the gradebook screen.

2. Select Item from the dropdown menu.

3. In the New Item window, enter a Name for the gradebook column.

4. Choose the Grade Category that best describes the item.

5. Enter the Points Possible for the item.

6. Click Save to create the new gradebook column.

Editing Existing Gradebook Columns

Editing gradebook columns allows you to make changes to item names, categories, or points possible, ensuring accuracy in your grading.

1. In the gradebook, locate the gradebook column you wish to edit.

2. Click on the Column Options (three dots) next to the column name.

3. Select Edit from the dropdown menu.

4. Make the necessary changes to the Name, Grade Category, or Points Possible.

5. Click Save to apply the changes.

Organizing Gradebook Columns

Organizing gradebook columns allows you to customize the order of columns, making it easier to navigate and manage your gradebook.

1. In the gradebook, click on the Column Organization button at the top of the screen.

2. Drag and drop columns to rearrange them in your preferred order.

3. Click Save to apply the new column order.

Hiding a Gradebook Column in Blackboard Ultra

Hiding a gradebook column can be very helpful if you are deploying a Yellowdig Community because the grade passback from Yellowdig to Blackboard can be tricky. Hiding a gradebook column allows Yellowdig to still parse the weekly grades to Blackboard, but because the column is hidden, students will not be confused by the Yellowdig scoring system. 

1. In the gradebook, locate the gradebook column you wish to hide.

2. Click on the Column Options (three dots) next to the column name.

3. Select Hide from Students from the dropdown menu.

4. The column will now display a small Hidden icon, indicating that it is not visible to students.

OMSW Pedagogy and Technology  Note

Note: Different actions and responses to posted content in Yellowdig can earn Yellowdig points for each student. The community is setup with a long-term point goal, typically around 15,000. Yellowdig points will usually not match what is shown in the Blackboard course gradebook. Yellowdig points are converted to a percentage, which is sent to Blackboard about once per hour. If you are using the Yellowdig point system with weekly periods the grade is recalculated at the start of each period and students will appear to "lose" points on the Yellowdig assignment. That is why it is best to hide the Yellowdig column from Blackboard and defer students to the Yellowdig Community for a breakdown of points.

When the course is completed, you will want to unhide the Yellowdig column so that the points do indeed count toward the overall grade.