

UMB provides a subscription to Qualtrics for the community to conduct surveys and research.

Access this link using your UMID as username and your campus UMID password.

Some ideas for uses for Qualtrics in and out of the classroom:

    • RSVP forms
    • Likert scale or open ended quantitative or qualitative research,
    • quizzes/tests
    • office hours signups
    • have students do small projects using Qualtrics where they create their own surveys and learn about quantitative/qualitative research methods


SSW Institute page on Qualtrics.

Qualtrics Support Site and Knowledgebase. Search for information on using Qualtrics.

SSW Qualtrics Support: sswqualtrics@ssw.umaryland.edu

Information on getting started with Qualtrics:

Search YouTube for more Qualtrics how to videos.