Ultra Group Management


Group Management in Blackboard Ultra allows instructors to create, manage, and monitor student groups within their courses. This feature is crucial for collaborative learning activities such as group assignments, discussions, and projects. Effective group management ensures that students are placed in appropriate groups and that their progress can be easily tracked throughout the course.

Overview of Group Management

The Group Management feature in Blackboard Ultra provides instructors with tools to facilitate collaborative work among students. By organizing students into groups, instructors can promote teamwork, peer learning, and the development of essential skills in communication and cooperation.

Creating Groups

Watch an overview video on Group Management below:

Create self-enrollment groups

You can ask students to self-enroll in course groups. Only students may join. Students receive a course announcement and an activity stream notification about groups they need to join. You can also add an enrollment period. Students are notified when the enrollment deadline approaches. When the enrollment period ends, students can no longer join groups. You can select or deselect the option to automatically enroll students in groups after the enrollment period ends.