Ultra Group Management
Group Management in Blackboard Ultra allows instructors to create, manage, and monitor student groups within their courses. This feature is crucial for collaborative learning activities such as group assignments, discussions, and projects. Effective group management ensures that students are placed in appropriate groups and that their progress can be easily tracked throughout the course.
Overview of Group Management
The Group Management feature in Blackboard Ultra provides instructors with tools to facilitate collaborative work among students. By organizing students into groups, instructors can promote teamwork, peer learning, and the development of essential skills in communication and cooperation.
Creating Groups
Open the course where you want to create groups and click Groups in the Course Navigation menu.
Click on Create to start a new group set. You can choose between Custom, Random Enrollment, or Self-Enrollment depending on how you want students to be assigned to groups.
Enter the name of the group set, decide on the number of groups, and configure any additional settings such as group size limits or whether students can see who is in their group. You can also select the plus sign below the graphic to create as many groups as you need and add students.
Once all settings are configured, click Save to finalize the group creation.
Watch an overview video on Group Management below:
Create self-enrollment groups
You can ask students to self-enroll in course groups. Only students may join. Students receive a course announcement and an activity stream notification about groups they need to join. You can also add an enrollment period. Students are notified when the enrollment deadline approaches. When the enrollment period ends, students can no longer join groups. You can select or deselect the option to automatically enroll students in groups after the enrollment period ends.
To select Self-enrollment, you must first make the groups visible to students by selecting Visible to students on the top right corner of the New Group Set page.
In the Group students menu, select Self-enrollment.
Your students are evenly divided among the groups listed next to Number of groups. You need to create at least two self-enrollment course groups.
Select the plus sign wherever you want to add another group. The Number of groups updates automatically. You can add and delete groups even after students have started to join. If you delete a group that students have already joined, they’re moved to the unassigned list. You'll need to notify them to join one of the remaining groups or add them to a group. Reminder: If you add an enrollment period, unassigned students are enrolled automatically when the period ends.
You can add an enrollment start and end date. Select the arrow next to Advanced options to collapse the enrollment section.
You can change or clear the Maximum number of members per group that appears by default. The optional maximum must be 1 or greater. If you add or delete groups, the maximum number doesn’t update.
Pay attention to the maximum number of members per group and the number of groups. For example, if you lower the maximum number, some students won’t be allowed to enroll in a group at the end of the enrollment period. You’ll need to create new groups and enroll the students.
To allow unlimited members per group, leave the Maximum number of members per group field blank. Students see the maximum number allowed when they make their group selections. If you allow an unlimited number per group, students see the total number of students in their class.
You can override the maximum membership for a group. For example, you can add a newly enrolled student to a group.
Select Hide enrolled members if you don't want students to see who's already joined.
Edit each group name if you want to change the default naming.
Add optional group descriptions. You can add information to help students choose a group. You have no limit on the number of characters.
You can open the menu next to a group to access the management options.
Note: For students to see an assignment, two steps are necessary:
Students must be assigned to groups.
The assignment must be associated with those groups.
This ensures that the assignments are visible to the students in their respective groups.
Setting up assignments for group grading.
Associating Assignments with Groups in Blackboard Ultra
Once you have created your groups, you need to associate the assignments with these groups to ensure that students can view and submit their group work. Follow these steps to set up group assignments:
Navigate to the Assignment Settings:
Open the course where the assignment is located.
Click on the assignment you want to associate with the groups.
Edit Assignment Settings:
Click on the Settings icon (usually represented by a gear or similar icon) to open the Assignment Settings panel.
Set Up Group Submission:
In the Assignment Settings panel, scroll down to the Group Submission section.
Toggle the Group Submission option to enable it.
Select Groups:
Once the Group Submission option is enabled, you will see a list of available groups.
Select the groups you want to associate with the assignment. You can choose multiple groups if needed.
Save Changes:
After selecting the groups, click Save to apply the changes.
Ensure that the assignment is now set to be visible to the selected groups.
Important Notes:
Visibility: Students will not be able to view the assignment until the groups are set up and associated with the assignment.
Changing Submission Type: If you initially set the assignment as an individual submission, you can change it to a group submission as long as no submissions have been made. To do this, follow the same steps above and toggle the submission type to Group Submission.
Grading Group Assignments in Blackboard Ultra
Accessing Group Submissions:
You can access group submissions from the Gradebook or directly within the course.
Navigate to the assignment and select the group name to start grading.
Assigning Grades:
By default, all group members receive the same grade for a group assignment.
You can assign a different grade to individual group members if their contributions vary. To do this, expand the group list and enter a different grade for the specific member.
Providing Feedback:
You can provide overall feedback for the group or individual feedback for each member.
Use the feedback panel to add comments, and you can also embed audio or video recordings of your feedback.
Grade Visibility:
Students are notified when the group grade is posted. They can view their group and individual feedback if provided.
Editing Grades and Feedback:
You can edit feedback for the group or individual members even after posting grades. However, students won’t be notified about the updated or deleted feedback.
Important Considerations:
Changing Group Membership: You cannot change group membership or grade settings after you’ve started grading.
Get more help on the Blackboard Grading Group Assignments page.