Minimum Technology Requirements


To fully engage in your learning experience at the University of Maryland, Baltimore School of Social Work, it’s important that you have the right technology tools at your fingertips. This page provides clear guidelines on the minimum technical requirements needed for online coursework, virtual collaboration, and effective communication. Understanding these essentials will ensure that you can seamlessly access course materials, participate actively, and confidently navigate digital platforms, empowering you to focus on your studies without technological barriers.

Course Definitions

Each course offered at the University of Maryland School of Social Work is delivered in one of four styles:

Hybrid Classes

Hybrid classes require students to participate partially in-person and partially online:

In-Person Classes

Students are required to attend fully in-person during all listed class days and times.

Online Asynchronous Classes

Students complete assignments and activities at their own pace within a specified time frame, typically one week, during which they are expected to connect to their class at least once or twice.

Online Synchronous Classes

Students must participate online at scheduled times and dates, requiring real-time virtual attendance and interaction.

Shady Grove Campus 

ALL courses located at the USG campus are limited to students accepted to the Shady Grove MSW.
Additional USG schedule information available at 

Table of Course Offerings

Technology Proficiencies

You should be proficient in the following:

Computer Hardware & Software Guidelines

Video Conferencing

In addition to having a computer, a large number of classes may require student participation in live virtual class activities using technologies such as Zoom. The following recommendations will help you have a successful meeting:

Internet Connection

You will need stable access to high speed Internet to for your hybrid/online courses. Cable broadband in your own home is strongly recommended. Your Internet connection is critical in viewing the content in Blackboard and participating in live virtual sessions. 

Here are some places, in case your home network is interrupted, where you may find internet connectivity:

General Requirements

Internet Browser

Google Chrome is recommended for viewing all hybrid/online courses in Blackboard. However, the three major browsers (Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer/Edge if PC or Safari if Mac) should be installed as a backup for non Blackboard related content.

Download Chrome for free here.

Operating System


The following plug-ins are required for use with our online programs:

Adobe Reader

Apple Quicktime


Accessibility and Screen Readers

This is for information purposes, for any students who might desire to use a screen reader. Note that screen reader capability is  now built into both Mac  (Voiceover) and Windows (Narrator) systems. Informational links are below:

Information on Blackboard Learn Accessibility and Screen Readers 

Screen Readers Info from American Federation of the Blind


Per the campus IT anti-virus policy, we recommend installing the following software on Windows/Intel laptops: Symantec Endpoint Protection antivirus 

Email and Microsoft Office Apps

All Faculty, Staff, and Students receive full access to Office 365 including Outlook (email), Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Microsoft Teams, and more. Visit the CITS help page to learn more about Office 365. If you'd like to install the Office 365 applications on your computer, here's how you can get them:

Go to and log in with your @umaryland email address, UMID, password and Duo.

Once you are in, you should see a suite of tools, with a link in the upper right to "Install Office" - click that and choose Office 365 apps to download Powerpoint, etc. applications on your computer. You will then be able to open/play powerpoint files on your computer.

Note:  The use of Mac apps such as Pages, Keynote and Numbers as well as the use of Google apps such as Docs, Sheets and Slides is STRONGLY discouraged.  Most Instructors will NOT accept these as adequate submissions and submission of said documents may result in missed deadlines. 

Blackboard Course Availability

After Graduation