Ultra - Accommodations and Exceptions


In the diverse learning environment of our university, it’s crucial to provide equitable access to all students. Blackboard Ultra offers tools to set up accommodations and create exceptions for assignments and tests, ensuring that students with special needs receive the support they require. This guide will walk you through the processes of creating accommodations and exceptions, enhancing your ability to support all students effectively.

Setting Up Accommodations

Accommodations ensure that students with documented needs receive the necessary adjustments to fully participate in their courses. This process not only meets legal requirements but also aligns with inclusive teaching practices that emphasize accessibility and student support.

Here’s how you can set them up:

Creating Exceptions for Assignments

Exceptions allow for flexibility in meeting students' needs without compromising the course’s integrity. By providing exceptions, you can offer personalized support to students who require adjustments due to unique circumstances. This is different than a legal accommodation, is specific for each assignment and is up to the discretion of the instructor. 

Steps to Create Assignment Exceptions: