Blackboard: Make Course Available

SSW Faculty can make your Blackboard course available whenever you are ready! However, if you don't, the IDEA Team will make courses available to students on the first day of classes. It is best for you to post an announcement/send an email to all students at least one week prior to the start of the semester with info on when your course will be available, textbook/readings for the first class, and time/date/location of your first class, as well as weekly expectations for time. Before you do, please double check:

With Ultra Base Navigation - there is now a new (and easier) way to make your course available to students (open course) or unavailable to students (lock).  After logging in you will see your courses on the Courses Tab on the left.  (Also note: we recommend using the Star icon to favorite the courses you want to display at the top of your Courses Screen.  And note that you can Hide courses you don't want to see on your courses screen, too!)

Using the 3 dots to the right of any course for which you are instructor, you can change the Private setting by toggling to "Open Course" :

Likewise, when you want to make a course private, use the3 dots to choose: Make Course Private:

Another way you can do this is when you are inside your course already, if you have entered from Ultra Base Navigation (and not from My Courses Plus). If so you will see a padlock icon  in the far upper right next to the Edit on/off toggle. This padlock icon allows you to easily make the course available (unlock) or unavailable (locked) to students:

Now, if that doesn't work (you don't see that option) or  you happen to be using the old school interface, using My Courses Plus, etc...: 

To make your Blackboard course site available to students: