OMSW Faculty Support Resources

Setting up your Course

Facilitating Your Course

Blackboard Ultra Instruction for Faculty:

 **coming soon** The following pages are under development and have selected outside support resources while we build.

OMSW Technology Instruction for Faculty:



Building New Content

Building content in Ultra

 **coming soon**  The following pages are under development and have selected outside support resources while we build.

Templates and Standards

Content Accessibility

Online Course Pedagogies and Teaching Resources

Online and Hybrid Pedagogy 

Do you need to submit a support request?

While your traditional methods of asking the IDEA team for help are still welcome, we have created a form just for you that will help us to ensure that we get your support request to the right team member. The button below will take you to the live form.

Additional Resources

The following pages provide access to training materials developed by our technology providers or other universities.  We have reviewed and recommend these pages for additional technical support.

Instructor Technology Resources

The following pages provide access to training materials developed by our technology providers or other universities.  We have reviewed and recommend these pages for additional technical support.

Ultra Course View - Instructor Resources - an excellent searchable knowledgebase from Grand Valley State University

Blackboard Learn Help for Instructors - Ultra Course View Blackboard's Page for Instructors

Engageli - Faculty

Yellowdig - Faculty

Voicethread- Faculty

Student Technology Resources

While the idea team remains ready to support your students we also recognize that you will sometimes want to provide access to technology support in your classroom or announcements.  The following resources are specifically developed for students. 

Ultra Course View - Student Resources- an excellent searchable knowledgebase from Grand Valley State University

Blackboard Learn Help for Students - Ultra Course View - Blackboard's Page for Students

Engageli - Student

Yellowdig - Student

Voicethread - Student