Blackboard: Import Quiz Questions from Excel
In this guide, you will learn how to create Exam questions in Excel that can be created ahead of time and then further imported into Blackboard. You will also learn how to locate sample files and update them.
Creating Exam Questions in Excel
It is possible to create exam questions in Excel in a way that they easily import into Blackboard. Here are the instructions directly from the Blackboard site:
Download a Starter Excel File
Link to a starter Excel file to easily create a set of multiple choice questions as well as a link to a starter Excel file with examples of all kinds of questions:
Upload a Question file
From the test, survey, or pool, select Upload Questions.
Select Browse to locate the file.
Optionally, type a number in the Points per question box to set a default value for all questions. If left blank, all questions will be set to a value of zero. Later, you can edit the individual question values.
Select Submit and OK. The questions appear in the test, survey, or pool. You can edit and reorder the questions.
Important Notes
Each file must be a saved as tab-delimited TXT file once final. You can edit this file in Microsoft® Excel® or in a text editor.
Don't include a header row in the file.
Don't include blank lines between records. The blank line will be processed and return an error.
Include only one question per row.
The first field in each row defines the type of question.
Separate each field in a row with a TAB.
Here is an example of how the Excel file should look like:
Additional Ideas
This page contains other ideas for easy ways to create Blackboard quiz questions that include using other sites to format files: