Pedagogy & Frameworks
With what shall we populate this page? There are so many different ways to go here... If you have other ideas or resources to add, please email ideateam@ssw...
Here are some of the pedagogies, theoretical underpinnings, frameworks, teaching styles, or what have you, that we find most interesting and compelling:
Reforming Social Work Education: The Question of Curriculum Inputs (blog post)
Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
This widely cited article from 2003, entitled "Problem-Based Learning in Social Work Education" concludes: "Problem-Based Learning appears to offer social work education promising opportunities for addressing the complex needs of our clients. Attempts to routinize learning can become artificial and do a serious disservice to students. Educators need to help students develop critical thinking skills for coping with complex practice situations that require “real life” thinking."
Another article, from 2008, Impact of Problem-Based Learning on Social Work Students: Growth and Limits, states "Students reported good improvement in using multiple sources of learning instead of depending on the teacher’s input. They became more ready to analyse and deal with problems, more alert to their own learning needs and capacity for exploration. Many grew in their teamwork collaboration skills."
Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning
What Really Works, Dr. Donna Harrington - PPT presentation
Flipped Classroom
If you are interested in learning more about flipping your classroom, check out these resources:
Vanderbilt's Guide and Reference List
JHSPH page on flipped classrooms
Video: Robert Caret, chancellor of the University System of Maryland (7:56 minutes, with transcript below the video)
JHSPH infographic - a one-page reference about flipped classrooms:
Also, see the IDEA Team info on recordings,
Cooperative Learning
IDEA Center paper on cooperative learning
ELearning Strategies
Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2011). Going the distance: Online education in the United States, 2011. Babson Park, MS: Babson Survey Research Group.
Interleaving for Better Student Learning
Community of Inquiry
Establishing a Community of Inquiry through Hybrid Courses in Clinical Social Work Education
Maria Ferrera, Noam Ostrander, and Sonya Crabtree-Nelson
Journal Of Teaching In Social Work Vol. 33 , Iss. 4-5,2013
A study of Social Presence in Social Work Education (PPT)
The COI model essentially states that the learning experience is at the center of 3 types of presence: teaching, cognitive, and social: