Online and Hybrid Pedagogy


In this section, we've gathered materials on pedagogy and adult learning approaches that will help you to best engage and involve students via the design of your course. You may read through this information and explore further the categories that interest you. Note that we start this information with assessments (step two of the Backward Design process) and then move to activities (step three), which include approaches to learning and various classroom 'structures' used for higher engagement. There is also some additional information from the scholarly literature about teaching and designing online social work courses and programs if you'd like to review it now or at a later time. 

Designing Your Assessments

Assessments are as much a tool for the student as they are for the instructor. Though assessments provide the evidence that learning outcomes are being met and that students are where you want them to be at each determined interval of the course, they 're also a way to pinpoint misunderstandings and areas of potentially unanticipated importance to a particular cohort. Whereas students can use assessments to gauge their learning and for motivation to improve, you can use the results of the assessments to evolve your course in small ways throughout the term and ensure that you're meeting student needs.

Here are some helpful materials on formative assessment, authentic assessment, and course-based assessment to help you think through how to approach assessing students in your course. 

Formative Assessment

Authentic Assessment

"Assessment is authentic when we directly examine student performance on worthy intellectual tasks. Traditional assessment, by contract, relies on indirect or proxy ‘items’–efficient, simplistic substitutes from which we think valid inferences can be made about the student’s performance at those valued challenges." -Grant Wiggins, "The Case for Authentic Assessment."

Course-Based Assessment

"Course-based Assessment refers to methods of assessing student learning within the classroom environment, using course goals, objectives and content to gauge the extent of the learning that is taking place."

Designing Your Learning Activities

A learning activity can be considered anything that helps your students learn the desired content. We often think of lectures as a way to present content that students should learn (and they do!). Learning activities, however, are focused on engaging students with learning in active ways (activities = active!). Some of what you'll find below discusses approaches to classroom and/or learning structure that shape learning activities toward more engagement and, thus, improvement in learning.

Active Learning

The Flipped Classroom Approach

Problem-Based Learning (PBL)


Interleaving structures a course, so there's more continuity from week to week.

Community of Inquiry

The COI model essentially states that the learning experience is at the center of 3 types of presence: teaching, cognitive, and social. The diagram that follows this link helps to illustrate it.

Scholarly Literature on Social Work + Online + Hybrid Learning

Online Teaching Resources

Here are some of our favorites:

Online Teaching - Sharing Tips and Experiences