Preparing for A New Semester
The IDEA Team has been busy preparing some resources we hope you will find helpful as you consider:
(interactive PDF full of links to more info)
a 10 module self-paced mini-course orientation in Blackboard on virtual teaching strategies and technology training materials
And here are a couple great resources from others:
Delivering Remote Edu in place of Seated Edu: What and How (U at Buffalo SSW)
A handy guide to engagement with students online, from the UMB Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
And this short video featuring students discussing their take on live class sessions with Zoom/Collaborate: what is useful, helpful and not so much...
So lots of moving to do. Moving online. We're moving on out, like Eddie Harris:
But really, if you'd just like to have a conversation about some aspect of your class, digital tools for teaching and learning, teaching online or etc. - please reach out to