Facilitating Your Online or Hybrid Class

What skills are essential for success in teaching online? Insights from long-term online instructors - a presentation from an Oregon State e-campus qualitative research study that interviewed 33 long term online instructors for insights with an average of 14 years experience teaching online. It covers topics such as:

Also see: PDF guide to virtual teaching (30 page PDF)


Portions of the above were adapted or copied from the JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit, November 2016.

Design Learning Activities

What will you do to facilitate learning?


A learning activity can be thought of as anything that helps your students learn the desired content. We often think of lectures as a way to present content that student should learn (and they are!) - but when designing learning activities, you should also consider other methods of engaging students with the content in a way that will help them learn the material that they need to learn. This section will give you tips on teaching techniques including lecture, case studies, problem based learning, discussion, and more.

Key readings

[SELECTING/USING LEARNING RESOURCES: https://www.canva.com/design/DAE57lgBN-w/ZHliHe73sgLCoHaZthw6ww/view#6]


How do you communicate all of this course design to your students? 

How can your syllabus stimulate deeper and more enthusiastic student learning? 

Are laptops and cell phones allowed? If so, in what capacity? 

What's the late policy on assignments? 

Do you take attendance? 

Do you have additional thoughts on academic ethics beyond the school standard verbiage? 

All of these things should be part of course design, and should be included in your syllabus.

Online and Hybrid Classes? 

See our list of short readings and resources to help prepare for hybrid and online teaching. 

Leave you with a few summary points: 

Engaging, challenging and involving students in the learning process is vital to adult learning. Here are some resources related to these topics:

Synchronous Engagement

What to do some students have to say about engagement in synchronous videoconferencing such as Zoom, Webex or Collaborate? This short video highlights some of the ways students appreciate the use of such technologies.


F2F - face-to-face courses, traditional classes. These may or may not be "web-enhanced" - where materials, activities, resources are posted online for students to access via the internet.

Hybrid (Blended) - Hybrid Classes require students to participate partially in-person and partially online. A minimum of 6 sessions are in-person and a minimum of 6 sessions are online (either asynchronous or synchronous). The remaining 3 sessions can be in-person or online. Instructors will communicate the schedule via email and on the course syllabus. Online activities may include participating in asynchronous discussion forum, self-assessments, group projects, viewing lecture content, quizzes, assignments, etc.

Online - an entirely online course which may not require the student (or instructor) to be in a specific geographical location at any given point. Some online courses may still require synchronous activities, such as videoconferencing or live group meetings. 

Hybrid Conversion

Have a course you have previously taught F2F that will become a hybrid? Here are some  handy resources from Ryerson University that cover planning strategies, content selection, assessment strategies, etc. Also see 30 page PDF guide to virtual teaching.

Also, this quick read from the UCF Blend Toolkit is a nice intro, as well as this short read on student success strategies for hybrid/blended courses. 

Online Teaching - Tips and Experiences

Course Rubrics


Online and Hybrid Program Scorecards, Quality Rubrics and Benchmarking

A number of useful tools exist for assessing organizational readiness, maturity, and effectiveness in relation to the offering of online and/or hybrid programs and ensuring that the entire learning community is well-supported:

Other Resources