Adding CSWE Competencies
Provide an overview of the page and why it is important for the user to read this page. Make sure to use any key words in this paragraph because Google will pick up on them here in the first paragraph and load them into search results.
First Heading
Provide a 1-2 line introduction to this topic. Note: page numbering does not continue after a break in the text so put your text in order first and then add your screenshots below. Feel free to use any Content block on the side, do not feel like you always have to use this one. A video also works.
Note: In Blackboard Ultra, you can attach files to Announcements. This is not possible in Blackboard Learn Original.
Second Heading
Provide a 1-2 line introduction to this topic. Note: page numbering does not continue after a break in the text so put your text in order first and then add your screenshots below. Feel free to use any Content block on the side, do not feel like you always have to use this one. A video also works.
Nothing wrong with adding text to the side of an image either. Do so judiciously because it has potential to mess up accessibility if overused.
4. If you have to restart numbering, you will need to do it manually.
5. This is very frustrating because the minute you type a number, it wants to treat it as a number, but you just have to fiddle with it.
6. When you are mentioning something that a person clicks on a screen, it is always bolded. Example: Click Send to deliver your message. Students will receive a notification about the new message within the Blackboard Ultra platform.
7. The rule of thumb is tell em what you are going to tell em, tell em, and then tell em what you told em. Example: Here is why you should click this. Here is how you click this. Here is what happens when you click this.
Note: Got something important to say? Use this black bar with white text and make sure the word Note: is bold.
If the topic has sub-parts, use a sub-heading. Always create new text in a new text box.
See Also
This should be a list of links that are related to this page:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3