Copy Course Content

Course copy options


Copy Course Materials from an old course into a new course for new term OR copy from 1 section to another section

Simple Copy of Content Items/Folders

Some content (moreso than activities/exams, etc.) can be copied from course to course simply using the menu next to an item or folder and using the Copy function. You will then be prompted to pick a course, and then to choose a location within the course, where you want to copy the content. This is a quick and easy way to copy an item or folder of content from course to course. Note that not ALL items in a Blackboard course can copy from course to course this way, and the Course Copy method below can copy all types of items from course to course. 

Course Copy - Any type of course content

(Copy Course Materials into an Existing Course): Copying course materials into an existing course will add content to a course, but it won't remove existing content. You can only copy materials into a course if you have the role of instructor, teaching assistant (TA), or course builder.


Copy Course Materials into an Existing Course

1. Click the “Browse” button and locate the NEW course you want to copy the content into. This will likely be at the very bottom - scroll down. If you don’t see it, it may be on page 2. 2. Select the course materials that you want to copy over by checking all the appropriate boxes. A course copy operation can't be completed if you don't select at least one of these areas: Content, Contacts, or Settings. If you don't select one, a warning appears and Blackboard Learn can't copy.

3. In the File Attachments section, select the option to copy links to:

4. Select the Folder for Content Collection Files, if applicable.

5. (Not recommended!!) Select Enrollments to copy the list of users in the course. User records, such as discussion activity and grades won't be copied. User records are only copied if you select the Copy Course with Users (Exact Copy) option.

6. Select Submit.

Behavior of copied materials

When you copy, the course availability of the source course is applied to the destination course. If the destination course's availability is set to unavailable, but the original course is available, the destination course's availability is changed.

When you copy course materials, these occur:

This document was edited for SSW from the original, here: